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FPC offers a variety of services to the fire sprinkler industry, including:

Stack of Envelopes
Open Magazines
Flyer Distribution Service​​


FPC offers a unique direct marketing service for the distribution of flyers to individuals and companies in the automatic fire sprinkler industry. Our mailing list has been in development since 1978 and is added to and edited daily. Through our flyer distribution service, this mailing list is easily accessible to you. Contact Brant Brumbeloe for more information.

Ad Design


Designed primarily to help those in the pioneering stage break into the industry. We work with you to design an ad that works within your budget.


Mini-Display Ads: Smaller and more affordable ads. These small spots are for small companies, those just testing the advertising market, or the tight budget. Again, we'll design it for you, or you supply the ad.



FPC has featured hundreds of companies, installations, products, and services over the years. The coverage has been beneficial for contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and those who specify and purchase products. Order copies of anything FPC publishes...your full page color ad, a feature profile of your company, your newest product...reprint and continue to get mileage and exposure from your coverage in FPC.

FPC/Fire Protection Contractor magazine

PO Box 370, Auburn, CA 95604


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