Each August we honor one of the fire sprinkler industry's cream of the crop individuals or groups. This year we have the pleasure of honoring Stephen Meyer as FPC's Person of the Year!
Stephen says that his "birth certificate" is his "resume" as his family has a long history in the industry. In fact, his father, Bill Meyer, was one of our very first Person of the Year recipients in 1986!
For his cover photo and story, see pages 14-16 in our August 2022 edition. You'll also find our Hall of Fame list of previous honorees on page 17. Stephen's story and so much more are found in the pages of the August edition! Be sure to tag @fpcmag in your social posts so we can see them!
Subscriber copies have been mailed so look for Steve's face on the cover! (If you are not a subscriber, you can start your subscription today and one will be mailed to you along with several other items. We are also now serving digital subscriptions! Go to: www.fpcmag.com/subscriptions to start or renew today!)